I had an absolute great time for my Birthday celebrations this year!!! On my actually Birthday I had a great day out with my wonderful husband, Spa Day ( we drove an hour and half just 2 go to my favorite Spa) and shopping trip!!! On the night of my bday, my family and girlfriends came over for drinks and games! Girls Nite In are always funny!!On Saturday we all went to LOVE! I had so much fun! My friends and I have a birthday tradition of giving the birthday girl lap dances,we've been doing them every birthday for about 2years now! Do you and your friends have any crazy traditions? My theme of the night was "White Boy Wasted" Needless to say we popped many bottles, and were just that "White Boy Wasted" , the stories and memories sare so funny! One of my friends even ended up in the DETOX room of the club (I wont say who,lol)!! It was fun times! Thank you to everyone who helped me celebrate!! I love you ALL
omg we had a blast, so glad you had a great night...i love you
your favoite godsister!!