I just learned sad new that Ashley "A.J" Jewell ,Kandi Burress' (Real Housewives of Atlanta) ex-fiance, was murdered , during a fight at the strip club Body Tap in Atlanta! AJ suffered head injuries and was rushed to the hospital, but died shortly after. This is heartbreaking news, no I didn't know him personally and even on the show he wasn't someone I would say I liked, but the matter is he leaves behind 6 children, a family and friends. Death has become so abundant these days, its scary. We never know when its our time to go. Please live everyday like it's your last, don't hold grudges, don't be jealous or hate and do something nice for a stranger every once in awhile!
R.I.P. AJ, prays are with your children and loved ones!
This is such a tragedy! My heart goes out to the family (especially the children) These things happen way too often. Yes, life is short! Love and cherish your family/friends as hard as you possibly can while they're here.