Happy 2010 everyone!!! The holidays were great and now I am back for blogging! I have to admit I was very happy to see 2009 go!! At the stroke of midnight on New Years I instantly felt better! I am claiming that 2010 will be my best year ever!! At the beginning of every year we all make NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS, that we rarely stick to, so I never make any. Bu this year is different, I'm still not into the whole resolution thing but I will be making life changes!Here's my list.
1.Continue to be the best wife and mother that I possibly can be.
2. Get rid of people in my life who do not add to it in a positive way
3. Continue to do well in school, (I ended 2009 with a 4.0)!
4. Focus on my career! Well careers there is so much I want to do.
5. Network more! I have never really liked getting to know people but it is time that I venture out of my comfort zone, there are so many interesting individuals out there.
6. Start taking a little time out just for myself! As a mom and wife sometimes you lose yourself always doing so much for others, sometimes you just need ME time!
7. Stay consistent with working out. If you know me you know I go through spurts were I will workout everyday for months and then stop going for months and then back again. I must stay wit it this year!
8. Last but not least, remain Happy and Positive!! Life is not always perfect but mines is pretty great!
Did you make any resolutions??
I don't have resolutions either...I just try to better myself as a person everyday...& be a great sister, aunt, & friend! :-)