I really hate to keep beating a dead horse, but this "BARBIE" thing is getting out of control and I feel with the weather warming up it is only going to get worse. You may ask where is this coming from, well I had a series of events this week that made me say hmmmm. 1st, at the Jay Z concert this past week, I saw more then a handful of Nicki Minaj/Barbie inspired outfits, if I've said it once, I'll say it again! NICKI MINAJ is a performer, and wears costumes, she can pull of the "Barbie gimmick" because she is entertaining! But, when a 20plus women attempts to recreate Nicki Minaj's look, it just looks foolish. Also at the show as Jay Z was doing his normal looking out to the audience and doing acknowledgements he shouted out a female with "pink hair , pink shirt, all pink everything" I felt completely embrassed for this women, she looked foolish and probably thought he was paying her a compliment, he was not! On Thursday night I ran into a high school friend whose actually birth name is BARBIE ,I asked her how she felt about this whole "Barbie Movement" and like me she thought it was foolish and she gets a little offended with it. She also let me know that her real name has gotten her many opportunities but it has also caused people not to take her seriously. Lastly, last night a friend of mine said she was out at a club and saw a women with BARBIE tattooed in the middle of her chest!! This has gone too far! In my previous blog I stated what BARBIE DOLL means to me, she is beautiful,confident,fashionable, successful, great life, love and friends, not a bra ,leggings, and pink tracks! When I came across the picture above, I thought this is the epitome of the kind of "BARBIE" I wanted to grow up in be when I was a child, she looks refined, established and ready to conquer anything! Ladies I am in know way bashing you , nor am I bashing Nicki Minaj, I really like her music, personality and her style for her! But as a grow women you have to know the difference between reality and entertainment purposes!
*****Again I restate, many little girl myself included want to grow up to be like BARBIE DOLL when they are a young child! Barbie has it all , who doesn't want that! She is a great aspiration for young girls to know that they can be beautiful,intelligent , successful and have love all in one!! Barbie is not Pink Tracks and leggings!!********
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a Barbie just gotta know which one http://addicted2fresh.net/blog/barbie/
ReplyDeleteI believe BARBIE DOLL is a great role models for young girls! She has glamour, she is a doc, teacher, lawyer , friend... whatever she wants to be! Thats what young girls need to strive for, instead of dressing like they are Nicki Minaj for the wrong kind of attention!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with ur post...
ReplyDeleteIts funny cause I see women all the time dressing up like this nowadays. I laugh cause this only demonstrates their lack of originality and creativity. I guess its "passable"(maybe) for the club, but mid-day lunch time downtown...not a good look. I tell my daughters to dress the way they want(as long as its tasteful and respectable)and not the way they see others dressed. Find your own style and make a positive statement....I broke it down to them like this, "Just because everyone else in the room puts on a costume of a Jackass and calls it style does not make it hottt!!, it will just be a hot room full of Jackasses.." Just my take on this from a male point of view. Good topic Ashley