Tomorrow is Valentines Day!!!I LOVE all holidays!! So Valentine's Day is NO different! I often her people, well mainly guys say "Oh Valentine's Day is just a man made holiday to get you to spend a lot money", I say, every holiday "man" is getting you to spend money so don't treat Valentine's day with any less significance then we do ,uum let's say EASTER!! When did Easter become about buying an "Easter Outfit" and an " EASTER MONDAY" outfit,lol! But we do it so give Valentine's Day respect too!
Now I am a firm believer that you should just show your partner LOVE on everyday , not just a day marked off on the calender, but on Valentine's Day make it a little special for EVERYONE you love! Not just your Lover! My grandmother used to always buy my sister and I Valentine's mugs with chocolates inside! She got me one, one year that especially stood out! It was a mug that was made to appear cracked and dented and it read "I LOVE YOU AND ALL YOUR IMPERFECTIONS", I think that was one of the best gifts that, I have ever received and I'm sure it only cost about 5 BUCKS!
Often Men feel left out on Valentine's Day and we women tend to believe the day is all about us! Well it's not! Make your man feel special too. Of course you can always go with the 'ole faithfuls of playing dress up in a sexy costume, but get a little creative!1 year I took my husband to a brand new ICE SKATING RINK that wasn't even open for business yet (my husband loves skating)and we had the entire rink to ourselves! That night I had CHEFS come to our home to prepare and serve dinner, we ended the night with his favorite wine and oil's that I had went and handmade!I think people need to put more thought behind giving gifts instead of just a worrying about the price tag! Too often it is thought that if you spend a bunch of money , it's a good gift, WRONG (UNLESS IT'S THAT BAG OR SHOES SHE'S BEEN EYEING FOR MONTHS,LOL)!! MEN please take thought out to when buying for your lady! On Valentine's day of course Roses, Chocolates and Dinner is great but it becomes expected and loses its luster.Think of something that she has never done before, make her feel special! One year around Valentine's day I was in a very sad mood, my husband brought me home Trolli Gummi Worms (my fav candy EVER!!!) and a "My Little Devil" bear, that meant more to me then my much more expensive gift that I later received, because it was ME, it's what I truly enjoyed and I knew it was heartfelt!
With all that said, for Valentine's Day let your Lover, Parents, Children and Friends no how especially happy you are to have them in your life, LOVE is shown by Quality NOT by Quantity!