
Thursday, September 2, 2010


1st up on introducing you all to my friends is , Tamarie ( @tamarie83 twitter). I met Tamarie maybe about 4/5 years ago, when we used to do fashion shows together. Tamarie has admitted to me when she 1st met me, she didn't like me because I was a b*tch (lol I've heard that a time or 2 before), but like everyone else once she got to know me , she loved me! Tamarie is a hairstylist and originally from Jamaica and when she gets mad, she turns into what we call a RASTA!!! Tamarie has become one of my closest friends and I am super sad , because next week she will be moving to Miami! So this weekend we are going to party it up for her going away celebration!! Tamarie, I love you and will miss having you to vent to!!But I'm super excited , I'll have somewhere to crash, in the 305!!!


  1. Well just think, in Miami you won't have a two year setting you up to bring a bike downstairs his mother told him couldn't come down. LOL. We'll miss you babe.
